Northwest Atlantic Region

The first step is to select a critical level, with respect to chart datum and in meters, for Charlottetown. As a reference, the January 21st storm, of 2000 caused a peak level of 4.2 m with respect to this datum. The level is selected using the dropdown menu below.

The next step is to select an area from the map below. Two images should then appear: the probablity plot and flooded DEM corresponding to the chosen flood level.

The probability plot shows the probability that the critical level will not be exceeded by the date shown. Notice that the probability decreases in steps. Each step corresponds to a particular winter where the surges are large and the probability of flooding is significantly higher than in summer. The two curves are for sea level increases of 3mm per year (observed), and 7mm per year (predicted to occur by IPCC), over the next century.

The flooded DEM (courtesy COGS), shows the extent of flooding that would occur if a critical level is reached.

map Waterfront Docks